AWS Security Posture Review and Implementation
The customer was running his applications stack across 4 AWS accounts. However, the customer was concerned about security gaps to protect the application from internal and external security threats. The customer belonged to a public sector and security was the top most priority. We helped the customer to project many security gaps as per AWS' best practices and some of the gaps were severely vulnerable. We also helped the customer to implement SSO, layer 3 and 7 firewall along with other AWS native services including control tower.

Solutions Brief
Customer was very much concerened about their security posture of exisitng AWS workload. They have engaged us and we did a 360 review and gap analysis of their exisitng setup and provided solutions accordingly. Durung this activity we used several tool such as AWS native and third party services. Prowler is one of them. We conduct regular secuity review, vulnarability assement to make sure customer's workload is protected.